Thursday, November 18, 2010

Will instant communication kill e-mail?

Facebook is moving into the e-mail business. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook's founder, calls it "modern messaging system" and users soon will be entering into the world. This announcement reinforces the idea that in the future people will be more interested in instant communication than traditional e-mail and services like Gmail or Yahoo Mail will have to deal with the consequences.

An article by Brian Barret published on Gizmodo, give us a good idea of this trend that may be possibly change the future of cyber communication:

"Zuckerberg insists that this isn't going to be a Gmail killer, and for the time being, at least, he's right. But Facebook's looking towards the future, towards a generation that's steadily and increasingly been abandoning email for instant communication. And the more we abandon email for text and chat, the more Facebook's going to be the communication hub."

You can read the full article HERE.